St Johns Wood Terrace

Style: Contemporary

About This Project

A large but very overlooked terrace provided a great outdoor space, but it was broken up by barriers and gates.  Removing these and changing the floor to a lighter, brighter material (composite decking in this case) created the basis for a design that uses hedges in troughs to create privacy as well as divide the space into outdoor rooms both lounging and dining.  Grey and bronzes as well as white and rust added colour against the floor and the neutral green palette with an abundance of year round foliage rich interest ensure the terrace is dressed all year round.  All material had to be lifted over the parapet wall so ensuring a custom fit for planters was essential to ensure a smooth work flow.


Ultimately an overlooked space has been turned into a green oasis with sheltered spaces that now invite you outside as well as looking good from inside the property.


Images copyright of Clive Nichols.